a bunch of the talks were recorded in audio and a few in video too, i believe that guy from bsdmall was trying to collect them so he could distribute them somehow.

it was rather amusing with "mr. kamp" trying to defend his almostfreeBSD with an attack on open.


On Sun, 15 May 2005, Chris Kuethe wrote:

On 5/15/05, Joel Dinel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Oh, please. I was there, and I believe everyone's answer was 'Stop
trolling you damn trolling troll, this is a *technical* conference'.
Man, what a flamebait that was. At least I had a bit of fun watching
Henning and Beck rip our beloved Mr. Kamp a new one. Reyk's talk was
very enlightening.

Anyone got MP3's of that? :)

GDB has a 'break' feature; why doesn't it have 'fix' too?

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