On Wed, May 25 2005 - 12:58, Jason Dixon wrote:
> On May 25, 2005, at 11:51 AM, Joel CARNAT wrote:
> >I would like to use ifstated (OpenBSD 3.7/i386) in the
> >http://www.openbsd.org/faq/pf/pools.html#incoming case (except I'll use
> >SMTP server, not HTTP) to modify the $web_servers macros when one of
> >the
> >server if detected to be down (no SMTP response, or no ping, whatever
> >is
> >"best").
> >
> >I found no such example on google and don't know where to start...
> >
> >Has anyone already done such a thing ?
> >Anyone can provide me with the pf.conf part and ifstated.conf ?
> >
> >I've already use "ftpsesame" and play with the pf tags but I don't get
> >how to produce them with ifstated...
> If you want to monitor servers and remove them from availability, use
> PF tables to store address lists.  Then use your script (shell, perl,
> etc) to monitor them and delete them from the table if they become
> unavailable.  When they come back to life, just add them to the table.

 well... I thought ifstated would do that automagically (and was meant to
 do such things). did I misunderstood it's use ?

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