> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wed, 1 Jun 2005 16:25:55 +1000
> To: misc@openbsd.org
> Subject: Re: howto clean disks ?
> Hi Anthony,
> On 01/06/2005, at 4:01 PM, Anthony Roberts wrote:
> > The 'dd' way is good enough unless someone is willing to to tear the
> > drive apart in a lab.
> I think this depends on how you use dd though. If you just do a single
> pass of zeroes, but fear someone will mount a multi million dollar
> electron microscope forensic analysis, then yeah, that might not be
> enough. But write from /dev/urandom with dd multiple times to the disk
> and you should be okay even with that extreme case.

thats right. but if you're paranoid enough after doing dd if=/dev/urandom
you can either check the drives using disks forensics available. you can
download one from the sourceforge website
http://pyflag.sourceforge.net/Documentation/tutorials/forensics.html just
for yourself to know that nothing is left on the disks.

> If I were worried about open-drive analysis of the drive I want to
> clean, then I'd be physically destroying the drive also. Put it in a
> kiln, get the oxy torch into it, etc.

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