On Mon, Jun 06, 2005 at 07:05:23PM -0400, Steve Shockley wrote:
> Ray Percival wrote:
> >To start with http://www.schneier.com/pptp.html and also because I for
> >one don't trust *any* security related code that I can't get the source
> >for. I think I'm not alone here by any means.
> You're talking about PPTP, I'm talking about IPsec.
> >Fact of the matter is we can look at the OpenSSH code and see if the
> >problems that we know about are fixed or not. You can't do that with
> >closed source. So do you really want to trust your data going over a
> >public network to a vendor with Microsoft's rep for getting crypto and
> >security wrong?
> You're talking about MS PPTP vs. OpenSSH, I'm talking about MS IPsec VPN
> vs. third-party VPN hardware (Checkpoint, Intel, Cisco).
Yeah. All of that is just proof of how they don't get it and never
will. I run nearly 300 site to site VPN tunnels. Try doing that with a
MS built in VPN. Also I've used all of the above, very likely far more
than you have, I don't trust *any* of them simply because nobody I
trust has audited the code.

BOFH excuse #25:

Decreasing electron flux

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