On Wed, Jun 08, 2005 at 08:19:58AM -0400, Rick Barter wrote:
> I've obviously spent too much time away from the console lately.  I am 
> looking for a package and can't, for the life of me, remember how to 
> find them.

For packages, you'll usually find the file 'index.txt' in the
appropriate package directory on your mirror listing the available
packages. Download it and use grep.

It isn't hard to write a wrapper script for pkg_add which downloads this
file (if your local copy is too old), searches for the name or pattern
you specify on the command line, offers you a choice if there's more
than one match (possibly using pkg_info to retrieve a detailed
descripton), and then installs your chosen package from the site you
specify in PKG_PATH with sudo pkg_add. 

In fact, you could probably knock up a patch pkg_add to provide such a
feature itself. If anyone does this, be sure to post it here :)


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