eric wrote:
On Tue, 2005-06-14 at 13:05:54 +0200, Alexander Hall proclaimed...

Create a new class (e.g. www or httpd) and use sudo (as root) to run httpd using that new class.

What the hell are you talking about? Just change the www users' class and
modify /etc/login.conf. It will then propagate.

I'm talking about similar issues with mysql, where the change of user (and group?) id made by the daemon itself did not automatically make use of the appropriate login class (which I suppose is proper behaviour), but instead kept running as the login class of the user that started the daemon.

I seem to recall that using something like `sudo -c _mysql mysqld_safe' solved the issue, and I thought that the same thing could apply to this case.

Since, as the original poster implies, www never logs in, login.conf is not read (at least not by login(1)). If this is done automagically by httpd, then of course this is not the problem here.

Please enlighten me if I am talking out of my ass, and in that case, please specify what parts I've got the wrong idea about.


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