
I'm using blades with no hardware raid controller. software raid that
worked just like hardware raid would be the best solution until we get
better hardware.

On 6/16/05, mdff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> responding 2 nick:
> > WHY do you want to mirror root?
> i do not like software raid at all and i even more dislike
> ide-raid (regardless whether it's sw or any other hw-raid).
> but sometimes you use hw where an hw-raid is not supported
> (even if there's a controller on-board...) and that's my
> reason for trying and using sw-raid like raidframe because
> it is better than nothing...
> really talking 'bout raid1 like i want it to be: having redundant
> power, redundant disks w hotplug, scsi320 at least and a good
> raid-controller-hw with a really smart bios handling any problems...
> i totally agree with you that scsi-hw-raid w hotplug support
> is definitely what you want on any production server.
> but if it comes to a development server or anything you just
> test on, you'd want to mirror root also, because you don't
> have to take care for your "2nd chance". you just throw the
> damn bad ide-hdd out of the window and the other one would
> bring up your system again like it was 10 minutes (add time for
> hangup, shutdown and some coffee) ago.

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