Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2005 11:50:27 +0200
From: Thorsten Johannvorderbrueggen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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To: Sparc Urani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Theo gave an interview to Forbes Mag. about Linux
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Hello list,

i have to comment this discussion.

1). The world is not black nor white. The world is colorful!
2). I'm a windows hater and a unix lover

Sparc Urani wrote:

>based on my experience, Linux is not a good start for the beginners.
>for tough systems/network admins its bad. learning unix shall always
>start with OpenBSD as they can see the difference when try using Linux
>as their alternative OS.
3). Linux --> Linux is only the kernel and it's build tools. I think you 
mean  a linux-distri. Ok, the most of them a really bad, but
4). have you ever used slackware? With slackware you have the total 
control of your system. It's cool (ok it's not so cool as OBSD)!

>that was a very nice interview. Theo might encourage some other Linux
>guys to start spending with OpenBSD for life ;-).
>Computer Security Professional (CSP) has no reason to lie... to
>cheat... to steal... nor tolerate among those who do.
>On 6/18/05, Richard Welty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>On Fri, 17 Jun 2005 18:23:51 +0200 "J. Lievisse Adriaanse"
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Not everybody there is happy about Theo's words...oh well, what gives ;-)
5). Theo says what he thinks, and thats really good! I like 
straightforward people! Theo says in the interview, what HE is thinking 
about linux and Co. In some case a think he's right.

>>well, on the one hand, i largely agree with Theo, but on the other hand,
>>Dan Lyons of Forbes has been on an anti-open source kick for some time.
>>me, i'd be very wary of becoming a tool in someone else's agenda.
6). Your're right (in my opinion). The main problem are companies like 
MS and not Linux, OBSD or so!!!!! We shouln't start a religious war 
(that's one reason, why i don't "like" Stall....)!!!!!!

>>Richard Welty                                        
>>Averill Park Networking
>>    Java, PHP, PostgreSQL, Unix, Linux, IP Network Engineering, Security
>>      "Well, if you're not going to expect unexpected flames,
>>         what's the point of going anywhere?" -- Truckle the Uncivil
7). If you want to learn kernel-developing, you have to write code. If 
you write code for the linux kernel, you have a good chance o see YOUR 
code in the kernel tree. If you have the time, you can get a maintainer! 
Is it that simple with OBSD? I don't think so! But to become a 
kernel-developer, you have to write "real" code! I in opinion it's 
easier to become a linux-kernel-developer than to become a 
OBSD-kernel-developer! --> That's the reason, why linux code is not as 
good a OBSD-code!

8). In some cases you have to use linux: I have a Benq-Joybook-8000 
laptop. It's a laptop, and a laptop is mobile. So i need the battery 
state. On Slackware, no problem.OBSD only supports apm, no apci. Apm 
won't work on OBSD (apm won't work on linux too) with my laptop. (Why i 
use a Benq and not a IBM? Because i don't like the black boring .....). 
To use my laptop as a laptop i need apci. At the moment i haven't got 
the knowlegde to write an apci implemtation for OBSD --> so i have to 
use slackware on it.

9). I think, that we (the people, who use OBSD) shouldn't flame linux 
user. Only the real developer (Theo, ..) could do so!!!!!!

10). OpenBSD is a really good OS!!!!!! So i trie to migrate every 
maschine from Linux to OBSD (like i did before, when i migrate from MS 
to Linux. Since 2001 i have not MS - Maschine).

I hope you're not to angre with me! But i have to say this!


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