Is proxy ARP running by default on a typical BSD install? I am talking
about ARPS. The only traffic I can see coming into the box is ARP when
I do a network trace. As soon as I disable the customer, NAT returns
to normal as far as the entries are concerned. I enable the customer
and then I start increasing the table entries. I may be clueless, but
I thought BSD did not do Proxy ARP with the default install.

Let me know.

Aaron Leach
iProvo Network

On 6/18/05, tony sarendal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 18/06/05, Aaron Leach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is this possible using PF? We are using OBSD 3.6 (and newer if needed)
> > as a network provider to ISPs.  Customers southbound have viruses that
> > send out 100 ARPs a second. This loads up the NAT table therefore
> > making the NAT box useless. I am trying to clear the NAT quicker, but
> > this makes other services such as chat useless through NAT. The
> > customers also send out other forms of broadcasts, hence, can PF
> > priortize them?
> >
> I don't see how an ARP would trigger anything that has do with NAT.
> Are we talking proxy ARP here ?
> I belive PF has features to limit sessions per host, so you should be
> able to configure it to minimize the impact of problematic hosts.
> /Tony

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