Hi Sebastian,

> I had some trouble with the copy of /usr/src I fetched
> and so I had to refetch it.  But now I'm not sure if I included
> all patches (even I've e.g. no em-Device

I'm not quite sure what you are talking about - neither on
  http://www.openbsd.org/errata37.html  nor on 
i'm aware of any reference to em(4).

> (Btw: why are just critical patches listed?)).

The patch branch is a good choice if you want to maintain
a system to be as stable as possible.  You do not want to
have anything patched in there unless it is critical.

On top of that, developers prefer improving current code over
patching old code unless there are really good reasons
to patch.  We should not discourage that kind of lazyness.

> I guess there's no "system" to identify if somebody applied
> a patch or if he/she dosn't [...]

Er, well, what about reading the patch itself and looking
at one of the files referenced?  That way, you will find out
very quickly whether the patch was applied or not.

In case you fear that somebody (possibly you?) screwed up
something below /usr/src, you could check using the -ctime option
of find(1).  That will work very well unless you have shot
yourself into your own foot abusing touch(1).

But when you are really worried that the copy of /usr/src
you are using for your patch branch might be damaged, you
should probably just mv(1) /usr/src out of the way and
install a clean copy from you CDROM, then apply once
more all the patches from

> The ports-tree uses checksums to check the integrety of a port.

As far as i know, no, that's not what it does.
The ports system uses checksums to check the integrity
of third-party distribution files.  You download those
from third-party ftp servers which might be compromised.

If you damage _random_ files below /usr/ports, checksums
won't rescue you, as far as i know.

> So why can't a script include all Checksums for e.g. patches?

I think that won't lead you anywhere.

As long as you use the patch branch, the number of patches 
is small, so you can (and should) look at each individual
patch anyway, just before you apply it.  Thus, automation
is no issue in the first place.

If, by contrast, you are running -current, many things
are bound to change many times.  In that case, checksums
won't lead to anything but bogus error messages and
quite probably a maintenance nightmare.

My overall impression is that you are playing around with
things you would better leave alone, at least if you are
trying to set up a stable system.

> it could be fixed easily (I think).

Helping you would be easier if you explained more clearly
what you are trying to accomplish and why you are patching
so much that you lose track of what you are doing.
Why won't just getting /usr/src from your CRDOM
and applying all the (two) patches by hand work for you?


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