--On 21 June 2005 14:24 -0600, Steve Williams wrote:

What is the best way to add entries from greylisting.org to my
spamd-white table?

Personally I've been keeping them separate, e.g.

table <spamd> persist
table <spamd-white> persist
table <spamd-nogrey> persist file "/etc/spamd-nogrey"

rdr proto tcp from <spamd> to (self) port smtp -> port spamd
rdr proto tcp from !<spamd-white> to (self) port smtp -> port spamd
no rdr proto tcp from <spamd-nogrey> to (self) port smtp

This way, spamd-white is locally-generated data, and spamd-nogrey is from greylisting.org and sources noted from examining spamdb output every so often.

Note PF needs host-addresses, CIDR, or resolvable names, and not the 'missing octet' form used on greylisting.org (i.e. use not 1.2.3).

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