On Wed, Jun 29, 2005 at 02:08:15PM -0700, Brian wrote:
> I just read the interview at:
> http://mongers.org/openbsd/interview-espie-ports
> And one thing that jumped out at me was:
> "The perl modules are there so that someone could write some cool tools
> directly."
> Now, I just started to learn PERL yesterday.  And one thing I would love to be
> able to do would be to glob the package I am pulling down.
> For example, I would love to just write:
> pkg_add -v ${PKG_PATH}/mozilla-firefox*.tgz
> Is this possible using the perl modules mentioned above?

Actually, it's more a question of making the locator code smarter.

There's most of the code in OpenBSD::PackageLocator

If you look closely, you'll see some list methods, which are precisely there
to allow you to list what packages are at a given location.

And there's a findstem() function in OpenBSD::PackageName which is there
to allow something very similar to this kind of globbing. In fact, pkg_delete
already uses it.

The main reason it's not active yet is that some ftp mirrors do not allow
simultaneous connections from a given IP, so we have to be careful not to
have several connections active at the same time.

... which means having a better model of network locations.

This is on my list of stuff to do. Actually, it's fairly high now that I've
more or less completed pkg_merge.

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