Lone Ronin wrote:
I have a Thinkpad X40 and notice the same thing. I've temporarily resolved the problem by editing my crontab to do an "ifconfig iwi0 up" every minute, because - for some reason - up'ing the iwi0 interface fixes the problem.

This is obviously not the best solution, but I haven't had time to dig around and figure out what is actually going wrong with the card.

YMMV, of course.

| John S. Flowers  www.kozoru.com     jsf-at-kozoru.com
| Founder & Chairman; kozoru ( Search Like You Think. )
| Private:  www.loneronin.net     ronin-at-well-dot-com

Edd Barrett wrote:


(This is the second time I've sent this, it appeared to get lost. Apologies if it turns up again)

I have a thinkpad r50e with an intel wifi card. I frequently get "iwi0: device timeout". The card does not work after this message has been displayed. You can re-initialize it (/etc/netstart) and sometimes it will start working again.

Any ideas why this is? It doesnt stop me working, its just a pain.

dmesg attached. (No, not GENERIC... RaidFrame)


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I have emailed the author of the driver reguarding this. If I am enlightened by him, then I shall post back here and let you know.


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