On Tuesday 05 of July 2005 19:18, Adam Fabian wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 05, 2005 at 06:49:40PM +0200, viq wrote:
> > something else is/was. VMWare... I trade 8 hours and possible reboot
> > for no reboot and 13 hours ;P So i was hoping for a way to do it on
> > linux, but if you say it's much more effort than it's worth... Though
> > i'm still somewhat tempted to give it a go.
> Someone mentioned VMWare.  It's not a bad idea.  You could export the
> filesystem read/write via NFS, mount it in the virtual machine running
> OpenBSD (bochs and qemu are free alternatives to vmware), and make the
> readmes there.  Granted, harddisks generate plenty of heat, if that's
> your problem.  You could do it all in the virtual machine, tar them up,
> and drop them in place on the 188 MHz machine if you need to avoid
> running the HD so much.

hmm, yes, remote filesystem is an idea. I did try running it in VMWare, but i 
am trying to find how to do it without resorting to virtual machines as the 
performance loss is terrible (8 hours 'natively' on 188 MHz, 13 hours in 
vmware on 672 MHz). As for whether it was the heat... I have no clue, that 
was my assumption, as it started happening as the winter was leaving, and i 
couldn't find any other explanation - not that i really knew where to look... 
But right now it's building already for 3 hours, and it's a rather warm day - 
so i don't know, that kind of undermines my heat theory. Maybe some software 
problem? I have no clue...  Well, there's 5 more hours to go, i'll see 
whether it'll finish. But it still would be nice to be able to get readme's 
in less than 1/3rd of the day ;)
As for taring the readmes up, there's even a neat script for that 
- /usr/ports/infrastructure/build/bundle-readmes :)

Na randke, na randke, na randke... >>> http://link.interia.pl/f189c 

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