
I'm trying to configure squid on 3.7, everything working fine just one thing. I want to run squid with 8192 file descriptor or more, till without any success :)

I had install squid-2.5.STABLE10-transparent-snmp.tgz <ftp://mirror.switch.ch/pub/OpenBSD/3.7/packages/i386/squid-2.5.STABLE10-transparent-snmp.tgz> from pkg then...
and properly configured squid.conf.
1) Increase the maxfiles via sysctl -w kern.maxfiles = xxxx

2) before running/starting squid I didn't forget to ulimit -HSn xxxx (as root)

3) I also tried to created a login class for _squid user in /etc/login.conf

with this in it....



#usermod -L squid _squid (to change the _squid login class)

However nothing gives me increase in file descriptors for squid, each time I run squid cache.log and cachemrg shows me that "With 1024 file descriptors available" DAMN!

What I'm missing?

I also love to hear "honestly" is openbsd good for cache/proxy servers (serving more then 500 users or more)?


Askar Ali

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