> I don't quite understand what you mean by that. What do I have to do
> to that line? Will it let me ping if I remove it? Also, how would I
> open up bittorrent port 6881, icecast port 8000 and soulseek port 2430
> (somewhere in that range). Do add an rdr line? I'm just tired of
> getting the NAT error in Azureus every time I test it. Thanks
> Vivek
might be good to also let the little guys out ;-)

   you are allowing icmp traffic to enter all network interfaces,
   but you have no rule to permit icmp traffic to leave any interface.
   remove "in" in the rule below so that icmp can flow thru

John Brooks


> pass in inet proto icmp all icmp-type $icmp_types keep state

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