I'm running bgpd on openbsd version 3.5 (I know, time to upgrade.) I'm
attempting to create a network statement that sets the community value
to "NO_EXPORT" for a network and I'm getting syntax errors. I've
network set community 65535:65281
And I get:
Jul 25 07:43:51 freeza bgpd[845]: /etc/bgpd.conf:20: syntax error
I've also tried setting things up with the network statement separate:
and adding this to the filter section:
match prefix set community 65535:65281
And again, there is the syntax error.
I see that in the latest version I can:
network set community NO_EXPORT
but I'd need to upgrade for that (it's on the agenda.)
Thanks for any assistance!
G. Douglas Davidson | CityNet, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pittsburgh, PA
voice: 412.481.5406 | fax: 412.431.1315