I'm trying to get a simple pf setup working, but I'm missing something..

I have three hosts, Alice, Bob & Charlie.

Alice & Bob are SMTP servers and need to talk to each other via SMTP.

Charlie is an OpenBSD 3.7 box with 2 NICs. I *have* enabled ip routing by 
doing: "sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding=1"

I have no need to actually NAT the Alice & Bob addresses (unless anyone says 
that I should), I'm just using NAT as I assume that I have to use NAT to allow 
the packets through PF.

In my /etc/pf.conf I've got:

scrub in
binat from $alice to any -> $alice
block all
#Allow packets from Alice to Bob
pass in on $alice_if proto tcp from $alice to $bob port 25 keep state
pass out on $bob_if proto tcp from $alice to $bob port 25 keep state
#Allow packets from Bob to Alice
pass in on $bob_if proto tcp from $bob to $alice port 25 keep state
pass out on $alice_if proto tcp from $bob to $alice port 25 keep state

With this, I can "telnet bob 25" from alice and it works fine.
However, I can't do "telnet alice 25" from bob.
I tried adding the line:

binat from $bob to any -> $bob

but that didn't appear to make any difference.

If I disable pf, then everything works fine (so I know routing tables, etc are 

Can someone help me out here ? Am I aproaching this the right way or is there a 
"better" way to do this ?



Gordon Ross,
Network Manager/Rheolwr Rhydwaith
Countryside Council for Wales/Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru

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