On 7/26/05, Bill Chmura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From what everyone told me last time, the SK stuff is good.  So I can
> fit my network together with a few dual cards, trunk the smaller stuff
> together and then be on my way.  Trouble is I cannot find (for the life
> of me) anything dual based on the marvell stuff.
> The obsd man page
> http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=sk&apropos=0&sektion=0&manpath=OpenBSD+Current&arch=i386&format=html
> For dual it only lists the SK-9822 SK-NET GE-T dual port, copper
> adapter, which from threads I read is now realTek chips in the newer
> revs.
> I've tried contacting Marvell for info on products made using them, but
> no answer yet.  I've searched, prodded, poked and cursed and I still
> have not found one.
> Thoughts or suggestions?
> I appreciate the advice from the last round... I am using much of it.
> --
> Bill Chmura

Note that I have only seen Linksys EG1032 gigabit adapters sporting
RealTek chips, rev.2 is Marvel/SysKonnect (good) and the rev.3 is
RealTek (bad/ugly) though they seem to attach after some jedi skills
by Brad.

How ever, as the man 4 sk page says, there are many other vendors that
use the good chipset. The page also details that there is only one
known vendor of dual port copper cards with this sk chip lineup.

Somewhere in the archives there should be refs. to the syskonnect site
(or google for it) as I cant remember the URL, you should be able to
buy them from there.

-- JPL

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