> suggested /etc/skel/ modifications

The reason I proposed a umask of 077 is that I discovered just a few
files scattered through my directories with owner:group of root:daf (I'm daf,
the only user of this system). All the other files in my directories are 
and I cannot imagine any scenario resulting in files with owner:group of
root:daf except for the file .cvspass which was created when I initialized cvs.
(I *never* run as root since I started using sudo and I only use sudo when
I need to update a system file or install a package or other software.)
Then I noticed that KDE applications were creating files all over the place
with world permissions of r-x since my root directory was drwxrwxr-x. That 
me so I reset the permissions on all my  directories and also on all the KDE

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