On Friday 29 July 2005 07:40 am, b h wrote:
> Hi,
> before I install openbsd on my laptop, I was curious
> if there is any method of getting wireless working
> with my companies infrastructure.  I have the intel
> 2915a/b/g card, and only Cisco extensions and LEAP
> authentication is supported (ughh).  Reading the
> iwi(4) manpage, I don't think I will have any luck,
> but since I've never used wireless on OpenBSD before,
> I was wondering if I am just looking in the wrong
> spot?
> thanks
> b
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I got wireless working with 3.6 and T-Mobile by using an Engenius card 
I got from  Netgear. I don't recommend using wireless because I believe the
radiation is a health hazard, But I think I am in the minority. 

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