chefren wrote:

Two equal power supplies "in line": Twice as much the risk of a brakedown of the system and two times as much failures of power supplies.

Lets see.

Let X be the (boolean) random variable designating ''system X breaks down in the first N years''. Equally, let Y be the random variable designating ''system Y breaks down in the first N years''.

Then P(X = 1) is the probability of X breaking down and similarly, P(Y = 1) is the probability Y breaks down.

Now (X = 1) and (Y = 1) are clearly independent. If one breaks down, it does not influence wether or not the other one does. But since the events are independent, they cannot be mutually exclusive. This makes sense logically, since both X and Y can break down in N years so intecsection(X = 1, Y = 1) is not the empty set which implies X and Y not mutually exclusive.

The addition rule for independent events gives us:

P(union(X = 1, Y = 1)) = P(X = 1) + P(Y = 1) - P(X = 1) * P(Y = 1)

So you forget the last term by saying ''twice as much''. You have to deduct the probability that both events occur (or it would have been ''counted'' twice).

Two equal power supplies in parallel: Half the risk of a brakedown of the system but still two times as much failures of power supplies and twice the support effort for the power supplies.

Now in this case, we still have independence, but now both has to fail. In other words

P(intersection(X = 1, Y = 1)) = P(X = 1) * P(Y = 1)

This is theory. In practice a failing power supply will be changed as soon as it shows an error. Especially in the serial case. This means that in practice, one has to do a more heavyweight probability analysis. One needs the probabilities after one month, after 2, 3, 4, etc to do the discrete case. I can assure you the probabilities are not as easy as you are taking them to be.

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