The IBM e-server x330 usually sports a branded Adaptec SCSI RAID card
(IBM ServeRAID) and... well google the archives if you haven't been
following thie list.

Anywho, IBM servers have plenty of HW failure checks, it's a 1U case
we are talking about no? just look on the inside of the lid panel and
you should have a big nice blueprint of the layout.

Last week there was a qusetion about raidframe and it appears there
are no known issues with raidframe and the src has not needed a polish
for two or three years, so you are probably looking at a hw or config

On 8/3/05, Stephan Tesch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 3. August 2005 02:11 schrieben Sie:
> Hi Sebastian,
> > Are there any problems known with the raidframe-device?
> Not that I know of.
> > In my case: I've a IBM X330 with dual P3 800Mhz and 2 SCSI-HDDs.
> > One is about 160Gb and the other is smaler. I created a raid for the /home
> > but today the server stoped working. I've just remote acces so the
> > tecnican (a guy I know) told me the server wont boot up and stops during
> > raid-initialisation.
> Did it really stop, or was it just rebuilding the array after an unclean
> shutdown? Did he try abort that operation (ctrl-c)?
> > I ask because RAIDframe isn't in the default-Kernel so I'm not sure if
> > it's a good choice for productiv servers. I would be happy if somebody
> > with much more experience would give me some hints where to look for
> > potential errors.
> I've got RAIDframe running for a couple of months now on my web/mailserver on
> sparc64, and it is rock solid. Never had a problem with it so far.
> A better description what really happens when you boot the server would be
> nice. E.g. what messages do you see on the console, is there any activity on
> the hdd's, does the server pass the BIOS tests, etc.
> Regards,
> Stephan

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