Try increasing PF max number of states.

It is currently limited to 10000, so when you reach this no new traffic (that would create a state) is permitted until some of the old ones expire. The 10000 limit is ok for most machines, but definitely not for a busy server / firewall. (Same goes for the default httpd.conf, btw, which also requires tweaking for higher performance.)

Use "pfctl -s info" and check the "memory" counter, it indicates the number of states that could not be created due to the limit (presumably other mem failures too). You want to see "0" (zero) here.

See pf.conf(5), try "set limit states 50000" or so.


On 2 aug 2005, at 00.07, Bc. Radek Krejca wrote:


  thank you for response. It was my idea too but pfctl -ss shows about
  10000 lines. Where I got better information about ports over nat?

  Thank you

1. srpna 2005, 23:02:15, jste napsal(a):
SKQ> On Mon, 2005-08-01 at 21:21 +0200, Bc. Radek Krejca wrote:

I have problem with packet loss over nat. I dont know where could be mistake. If i try stop half IPs I have no problem. What can I change
  to resolving problem? Over this nat runs about 1300 IPs.

SKQ> My gut instinct says that you're simply running out of ports on the one SKQ> external address. That is definitely something you want to look into at
SKQ> some point.

 Bc. Radek Krejca

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