I am now running 3.7 with KDE 3.3.2. 
All my apps seem to be running, usually even better
than in 3.6 :-). 

I *have* run into a few places where 3.7 apps do not
work quite like the 3.6 apps. These are more likely KDE
problems than OpenBSD problems, but maybe
someone will know how to fix them.

xmms - scroll wheel on the mouse no longer adjusts volume.

konsole - even though I have a file /home/daf/.kshrc with "set -o vi" in
it, every new konsole session ignores it. I have to type 'set -o vi'
in every session before that session will allow vi-style command 
line editing. Investigating the
settings for konsole, I find the sessions set as linux consoles with
bash. I have so far not figured out how to make the
shell - ksh settings 'stick' so that a new shell shows those
settings immediately and recognizes the set command in .kshrc. 
This in spite of saving konsole settings 
every way I see possible including 'save as default'.

I haven't tried everything, but the upgrade process from 3.6 was not as 
arduous as I anticipated. Nice Work, Developers!


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