Percussive Maintenance :-)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Welty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 19 August 2005 01:46 PM
> Subject: Re: back and neck pain
> > A friend told me about you- i have a' spondie'-l4-l5, that 
> > surgey helped a  
> > little, and 10 mos. later my car fell off the jacks, breaking 
> > my back-burst  
> > fracture of t-12, and aggrivating the 'spondie'. I have a lot 
> > of pain and  
> > percocets have helped, can you help me?
> here's something that works for me.
> get a friend to help, preferably a big friend who works out.
> give them a baseball bat, and have them start battering you
> about the head and neck with it.
> i guarantee you won't notice the back pain any more.
> hope this helps,
>   richard
> -- 
> Richard Welty                                         
> Averill Park Networking
>     Java, PHP, PostgreSQL, Unix, Linux, IP Network 
> Engineering, Security
>       "Well, if you're not going to expect unexpected flames,
>          what's the point of going anywhere?" -- Truckle the Uncivil

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/x-pkcs7-signature which 
had a name of smime.p7s]

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