
i'm trying to get PVM 3.4.5 to compile from source on a
3.6-release system and have run into some problems. when i
first attempted this, i got the following error:

cc  -DIMA_BSD386 -I../../include -I../../tracer -I../../src
S -o pvm cons.o cmds.o job.o trc.o  -L../../tracer/BSD386
-L../../lib/BSD386 -lpvmtrc -lpvm3 -lrpc
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lrpc
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
gmake[1]: *** [pvm] Error 1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/X/pvm3/console/BSD386'
gmake: *** [c] Error 2
*** Error code 2

Stop in /home/X/pvm3 (line 12 of Makefile).

based on googling, i think this means that it can't find the
library librpc. i made a soft link from /usr/lib/librpc.a to
/usr/lib/librpcsvc.a in hopes that the requisite library was
simply renamed. this did allow the compilation to complete
without any errors. below are the last few lines i got from
the compilation:

cp pvmgroups ../../bin/BSD386
cp libgpvm3.a ../../lib/BSD386
case xt in xt ) echo ranlib; ranlib
../../lib/BSD386/libgpvm3.a ;; esac
cp pvmgs ../../lib/BSD386
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/subtext/pvm3/pvmgs/BSD386'
done building group server and library

this made me think everything went smooth, but upon further
inspection the pvm command doesn't give me a console prompt
and spits out some errors. it also leaves the pvmd3 daemon
running in the background. here is the text:

$ pvm
libpvm [pid27480] /tmp/tmp.0.jqSb27480: Invalid argument
libpvm [pid27480]: pvmbeatask() can't creat t-auth file
libpvm [pid27480] /tmp/tmp.1.yLmB27480: Invalid argument
libpvm [pid27480]: pvmbeatask() can't creat t-auth file
libpvm [pid27480]: Console: Can't contact local daemon
$ ps aux|grep pvm
X  21641  0.0  0.1   340   676 p8  S      4:32PM    0:00.01
X   2447  0.0  0.0   420     4 p8  R+     4:32PM    0:00.00
grep pvm (ksh)

this suggests that librpc and librpcsvc are indeed different.
more googling yielded "All of these functions are accessible
from either the RPC library, librpc, the RPC services library,
librpcsvc, the socket library," from
http://osr600doc.sco.com/en/manNS/Intro.NS.html . it is not
clear to me whether the two libraries are synonymous or not.
the same issue came up in a much older (from 99) post to misc,
http://www.monkey.org/openbsd/archive/misc/9911/msg00130.html .

i would appreciate help in clearing this up and getting the
right libraries so i can compile PVM.

thx for reading,

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