We are going to need details of what you did before it stopped working.  
(Hint: you can boot into single user mode with boot -s at the boot prompt)

Tim Donahue

On Monday 22 August 2005 09:36 am, Joco Salvatti wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was trying to emulate linux binaries under my OpenBSD system 3.7, but I
> believe I made a mistake. My OpenBSD system cannot load any shared object
> anymore. Anything I try to run, the system can't load the shared object to
> which it's linked. I thought that restarting the system the problem would
> be solved, but it got wrost. It doesn't start ttys anymore, doesn't ask for
> login,
> the system is a mess.
> Is there anyway to solve this problem, or is it only the case of a new
> install?
> Thanks.
> --
> Joco Salvatti
> Undergraduating in Computer Science
> Federal University of Para - UFPA
> web: http://salvatti.expert.com.br

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