On Tuesday 23 August 2005 13:52, Antoine Jacoutot wrote:
> Dave Feustel wrote:
> > Oh. Yes. It was "Where does the xconsole get invoked when I start kde 
> > using startkde?".
> Because startkde is a script that will invoke startx which will by 
> default (meaning if you don't have a .xinitrc in your homedir) use 
> /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc where xconsole is started from.

My problem is that xconsole starts running with kde and I cannot
figure out where from it is started. I've tried grepping for xconsole
and get no hits in my home directory.
Tired of having to defend against Malware?
(You know: trojans, viruses, SPYWARE, ADWARE, 
KEYLOGGERS, rootkits, worms and popups) 
Then Switch to OpenBSD with a KDE desktop!!!

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