On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 07:54:56PM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> Simplifying things I've tested with 
> /usr/local/share/examples/db4/ex_env.c which has also been hanging 
> sometimes when it does 'dbenv->open'.

Same problem here (with a four days old -current installation).

> I'm pretty new to gdb and haven't 
> worked out how to trace into libraries yet so haven't found more about 
> where it's called from (well, it's from __os_sleep but I'm not sure 
> where that's called from).

Rebuild libdb with debugging enabled:

$ cd /usr/ports/databases/db/v4
$ make uninstall
$ DEBUG=-g make install

(and don't make clean until you're finished with debugging).


ps: I'm just rebuilding libdb with debugging here.

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