
On 8/23/05, Steve Murdoch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have tried to add some remote win xp machines into the mix using the howto
>  http://openbsd.cz/~pruzicka/vpn.html
> without any joy. 

(the site isn't available to me at the moment). I've managed to connect
Win2k and WinXP machines to OpenBSD 3.5 and 3.7 routers. 
IP connectivity only, e.g I wasn't able to log in to an Active Directory an the
other side. *I think* part of this problem is, Active Directory does quite 
a bit with dynamic DNS, and I didn't want to have every DNS request 
via this IPSec Session. But to get back on topic, yes it's possible and
works well with TCP/IP ;)

> the winxp in my test case is behind a nat router will
> this cause me grief ?

this is possible. 

> I guess thirdly, is poptop under openbsd recommended ?

I tried it, and it works. I didn't try to integrate it into an Active
but I see (technically) no hard reason why it shouldn't work.

> Any other thoughts or recommendations appreciated.

be more detailed about what you are trying to do ;)


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