Hello -

I have vlan0 mapped on to fxp0
I have vlan1 mapped on to fxp0 as well.

I have carp0 mapped on to vlan0
I have carp1 mapped on to vlan1
I have carp2 mapped on to fxp1 (internal)

If I unplug the cable on fxp1, everything works.
If I unplug the cable on fxp0, the second box changes to MASTER, but the first 
box stays MASTER too and things get screwed up.

Is it possible to have fxp0 flag vlan0, then vlan0 flag carp0 that the link is 
down?  Or make "ifconfig carp0 carpdev vlan0 monitordev fxp0" so that it sends 
traffic out vlan0, but watches fxp0 for changes?

- David

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