
Thanks a lot!  That fixed it.  I followed your instructions to setup wicontrol 
before the ifconfig and it worked perfectly!
It would be useful if this little gotcha could be added to the man page or in 
the example for hostname.if

Thanks again.


Anwar Puthu.

Begin On Fri, 26 Aug 2005 17:47:44 +0100, pedro la peu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> On Thursday 25 August 2005 17:36, Anwar Puthu wrote:
> > When I tried configuring wi0 in hostap mode with WEP, it used to fail
> > consistently with the message wi0: init failed.
> I suspect that's because you are using wicontrol after ifconfig.
> > I then tried setting up the card in ibss-master mode.  This at least
> > initialises the card.
> But then it can't function as a bridge, only hostap mode can do that. I 
> suspect hostap mode failed was because you used 'wicontrol -e1' after you had 
> already enabled WEP with 'ifconfig nwkey <key>'. Don't do that.
> [snip]
> >------------------- hostname.wi0
> >
> > ! ifconfig \$if up media autoselect mediaopt ibss-master nwid "test2" nwkey
> > "0x..." ! wicontrol \$if -f 3 -e 1 -A 2
> > ! echo started wi0
> Always do any wicontrol stuff first, then ifconfig. Don't fiddle with any 
> settings you don't need to. Don't force encryption on with wicontrol after 
> you have already enabled it with ifconfig nwkey <key>.
> Why are you using !ifconfig [...] in your hostname.if(5) file? It's not 
> needed 
> (unless you are not using the default system scripts in /etc, in which case 
> you should have said so).
> Try:
> !wicontrol \$if -f3
> mediaopt hostap nwid test2 nwkey 0x<key> up
> >------------------- hostname.sis2
> >
> > up
> > !echo started sis2
> Fine.
> >------------------- bridgename.bridge1
> >
> > # External i/f
> > add wi0
> >
> > # Internal i/f
> > add sis2
> Add 'up' and remove everything else (at least, until the bridge is working). 
> Power cycle the system and report back.

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