Miroslav Kubik wrote:
> Han wrote:
> > Vladislav Belogrudov wrote:
> > > I thought it would make sence for most secure OS. One port
> > > less listening the World.
> >
> > It's not a security problem to have an open port. It's a
> > security problem to have a bad server listening to an
> > open port.
> >
> > And since nobody knows about a problem with the X server, not
> > even the people who have very deep knowledge about X and about
> > security you can safely assume it's OK to have that port open
> > by default.
> >
> > Now if you don't trust any of all those experts and you want
> > to close that port for your own machine that's fine, but don't
> > ask the experts to trust on your intuition while they are
> > providing the OS in the first place.
> In my opinion, it is better to have it disabled as default.
> Nothing is without bugs. So if we want most secure OS we should
> disable this function. If you need it. Enable it.

You simply repeat the same idea, without even bothering to read
what I just said.

Anyway it's just your opinion. You may voice it of course but I'm
glad you don't have anything to say on the matter.

# Han

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