On Thu, 1 Sep 2005 01:01:08 -0400, Bill wrote:

>OBSD 3.7 - new install
>I am building a router.  And I am having a routing problem.  I am not
>doing any packet filtering, NAT or anything... its all strictly private
>address space nets I also most definately have ip forwarding set in
>Right now I have the router installed with two active interfaces...
>Segment A ( interface on the router 
>Segment B ( interface on the router
>Now I have a machine on each segment also:
> (Segment A)
> (Segment B)
>Segment B has the default gateway set to
>( then passes out to the internet )
>From my default gateway on is the (router nic).  I
>can ping any of the other interface cards on the router (there are a
>few) including the interface on the router.  But I cannot
>ping the machine.
>* WAIT * I know what you are going to say... but I DO have the ip
>forwarding set
># sysctl -a | grep forward 
>I checked many times since.
>Now, if I go to the machine, I added a route so it knows
>where the network is, and I can ping the machine no
>problem.  I can also ping all the other nic's on the router.  So the
>router is forwarding packets.  
>So if the pings can get from to, the ping
>responses from should be able to be returned from the
> box back no problem.
>I am not sure where the pings are being lost... if the machine on
>segment A knows how to reach segment B and can ping it... doesn't that
>mean the segment B machine essentially can get pings back if it sends
>them to Segment A?  Segment A is its default route.
>Any help would be greatly appreciated
>All the boxes are obsd 3.7 except for the box which is linux
>Bill Chmura
>Director of Internet Technology
>Explosivo ITG
>Wolcott, CT
>p: 860.621.8693
>w. http://www.explosivo.com

I'm sure that you know what you mean but what you have stated about the
networks and host is ambiguous.

Let's see if I guess correctly in phrasing it a little differently. If
not you have a better chance to correct the impression.

There are 2 private networks:   <- maybe you use a /24 but /8 is the "natural" for a 10.

You have 3 hosts:
A router with 2 NICs, and
One with a NIC = (connected to the router on its NIC) It also has another NIC that connects to the internet
One with a NIC = (connected to the router NIC

So far so good?

Well really you have 2 routers there. The one you called a router plus
the host.
The latter will need to have forwarding on as well as the one you
called Router in your post.

Your first router will need to have its default gateway set to for traffic from the 10. network to get to the 'net.

Looking at nststat -rnf inet on your Openbsd boxes might be
enlightening and should be posted as a part of your question.
 The Linux box only needs netstat -rn as it defaults to the inet

Forget the term segments. It is confusing where you have no
Make sure ALL machines on your 10. network have a netmask of
for "purity" because you need at least (math done in head
at end of day - please check!) to get that third octet (50) covered.

Let's see where that gets you.....
>From the land "down under": Australia.
Do we look <umop apisdn> from up over?

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