Not actually how do I optimize, but somewhat related.

I've got this router built and I am dropping it into production over
the weekend - all Gigabit Nic's, but all 100MB networks.  

What should I watch for from a systems point of view...  I've tested
across it with a few sets of machines doing iperf to just throw lots of
packets at it...  I am pretty sure I got the 100MB saturated anyway
without smoke pouring out of the box.  The routing is not really Disk
or CPU intesive, so I think my biggest concern is interrupts.  I've got
a Intel Pro 1000/Quad and Dual in there.  My plan is to put the most
intense networks on the quad and the least used on the others.     

So I've been playing with vmstat and top to keep track of that.   Aside
from losing packets and error messages, is there anything I should keep
an eye out for?  I've been reading "Running and tuning OpenBSD network
servers" and its been helping.  On thing it mentions is high levels of
interupts will slow down the system... What sort of % interrupts would
be considered high (as top displays) if its possible to generalize that
(e.g.: "50% interrupts is too high")

I don't plan on even trying to change anything till there is a
problem.  Since its a school - the first few days will be easy,
followed by increasing usage of the network - so anything I can see
early on and get worried about will save me grief a little later.  I am
going to keep reading up on this the rest of the night, but if anyone
has a suggestion please let me know.

I have a contingency plan in case the system gets overloaded.

One other question - I got the impression that PF alone will not do too
much to performance as long as the ruleset is very small.  Is this
true?  We may do some basic filtering on occassion (like maybe 5 rules,
no NAT, just blocks) 

Thanks for any advice

BTW - are the characters on the CD set representative of specific
developers?  And while I am on that, does anyone have a list of what
songs were done on the humpa radio recording...  I recognized Dio in
there, but other ones I knew I knew, but could not place them.

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