Thanks to the kind help on this list, my test firewall successfully runs OpenBSD 3.7 and is basically configured. I now need to think about migrating my existing netfilter rule set to pf and would like to ask also some general questions to understand the concept(s) suffiently.

If I understand correctly, pf has no 'forward' chain like netfiler (which is probably by design). I have to admit I've found it pretty handy to use forward chains since one does not have to specify IN and OUT rules separately. But I don't want to argue about that. The simple question is: Does that mean, a netfilter forward rules needs to be replaced by two pf rules (in general)?



 Stephan A. Rickauer

 Institut f|r Neuroinformatik
 Universitdt / ETH Z|rich
 Winterthurerstriasse 190
 CH-8057 Z|rich

 Tel: +41 44 635 30 50
 Sek: +41 44 635 30 52
 Fax: +41 44 635 30 53

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