El lun, 12-09-2005 a las 23:07 +0200, Miroslav Kubik escribis:
> Ok, thanks for your reply anyway. I will advise it to my boss.
> Have a nice day

I know it's not my business, but wtf...

I think product announcements are worth reading, in the case of OpenSSH
4.2 you can check it in the archives:


I know other projects have ChangeLog files and other ways to track
versions. In fact I don't know if there's a changelog around for
OpenSSH, I usually check the announce and I evaluate if it's worth
updating or not.

I agree OpenBSD crew has their 'own way to do things' (tm), but without
being a fanatical follower of Theo et al... I bet that's related in some
way to the fact I prefer obsd in my servers intead of something else.

I'm a kinda busy person, but I can stick 5 minutes on reading announces
and replying mails that ain't my business with my limited english :)



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