> aclocal: "Provide an AUTOMAKE_VERSION enviroment variable, please"
> autoheader: "Provide an AUTOCONF_VERSION enviroment variable, please"

Do what you're told.  Create these environment variables.  Do 
"ls -l /usr/local/bin/auto*" to see what versions numbers to put there.

> PS.: snort 2.1.2 from the ports

That's *waaaay* old, better compile 2.4.x from source.  If you do that, 
prepare to install automake-1.6 from source as well.

> and snortsam 2.40 from the source

Are you running 3.7?  The snortsam pf plugin won't work on 3.7.  I have 
a new pf2 plugin that will work, but it's not ready for prime time yet.


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