Saw the following item in a thread on the netbsd-tech-security list
[1]. The text below deals with 1024 bit RSA keys being/becoming
practicable to crack (in about a year) as discussed in a talk at MIT

Glad that 3.8 also includes 2048 bit keys as a default [2]. I copied
the talk announcement/abstract below for those interested.



   Open to the Public

  DATE:    TODAY * TODAY * TODAY * WEDNESDAY, Sept. 14 2005
  TIME:    4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
  PLACE:   32-G575, Stata Center, 32 Vassar Street
  TITLE:   Special-Purpose Hardware for Integer Factoring
  SPEAKER: Eran Tromer, Weizmann Institute

  Factoring of large integers is of considerable interest in
  cryptography and algorithmic number theory. In the quest for
  factorization of larger integers, the present bottleneck lies in the
  sieving and matrix steps of the Number Field Sieve algorithm. In a
  series of works, several special-purpose hardware architectures for
  these steps were proposed and evaluated.

  The use of custom hardware, as opposed to the traditional RAM model,
  offers major benefits (beyond plain reduction of overheads): the
  possibility of vast fine-grained parallelism, and the chance to
  identify and exploit technological tradeoffs at the algorithmic level.

  Taken together, these works have reduced the cost of factoring by many
  orders of magnitude, making it feasible, for example, to factor
  1024-bit integers within one year at the cost of about US$1M (as
  opposed to the trillions of US$ forecasted previously). This talk will
  survey these results, emphasizing the underlying general ideas.

  Joint works with Adi Shamir, Arjen Lenstra, Willi Geiselmann, Rainer
  Steinwandt, Hubert K?pfer, Jim Tomlinson, Wil Kortsmit, Bruce Dodson,
  James Hughes and Paul Leyland.

1. 'OpenSSH key size' thread - MARC
2. OpenSSH 4.2 release announcement

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