Thanks Anil, these specs are very detailed and useful.

But again, if anyone has any clue on any functional
test suite on any BSD OS to test the entire set of
standard socket() related API calls including bind(),
listen(), accept() etc, it saves a lot of my effort.

Currently I am going to through porting the LTP from on to my OpenBSD which is not
easy, since LTP has good coverage of most test cases.

I have seen a lot of tools that test TCP/IP protocol
by sending traffic thru the ethernet wire running from
an outside box to the BSD box, but they do not run
inside BSD and so, of no use to me to test my BSD's

So any hints will be extremely useful. Thanks again.

--- Anil Madhavapeddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> CC:
> From: Anil Madhavapeddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: any functional test suites to test
> socket API calls on openbsd
> Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 19:50:14 +0100
> To: Satya Nemana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On 19 Sep 2005, at 16:34, Satya Nemana wrote:
> >
> > I cann't imagine, it is so hard to get something
> that
> > looks so obviously needed and that too, such a
> > standard one like socket API. If it is totally a
> new
> > functional API, I can understand if it is not
> > available so easy.
> The semantics of those APIs are pretty complex and
> hard to test.  In  
> fact, they've only just been specified at all; Peter
> Sewell and co.  
> published an entire book about it:
> His recent SIGCOMM paper is more digestible:
> -anil
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