--On 20 September 2005 01:07 +0200, Raphael Brunner wrote:

I try to limit the Bandwidth on my OpenBSD 3.7 (Release). But there
is  something wrong.

The traffic walk through the rules (log with tcpdump...), but there
isn't a  limit of the inbound-Traffic. If I add "keep state" to it,
then there is a  limit, but not the right (about factor 5 wrong).

You can only queue outgoing traffic with altq, not incoming.

You can sometimes achieve the same effect by queuing outgoing traffic on a different interface (e.g. to queue internet->LAN bandwidth, queue on the LAN interface), though that doesn't help for services running on the box with altq.

If that's a real requirement, you may need some alternative (pure-ftpd, perhaps? or run altq on a different machine to the services?)

  • Re: PF ALTQ Stuart Henderson

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