Budhi Setiawan wrote:
> dear all
> i guess this is stupid question, but since i very young in the
> openbsd land, i have a lof of question :
> 1. how important to make our system (OS and packages) always
> up-to-date ( except with security reason of course ), because some
> people says " you should update your system at least once a year"

Well..the reason you probably want to run OpenBSD is because you don't
have many security issues.  This can actually be a mixed blessing, if
not managed properly.

You can plant an OpenBSD box, and pretty much ignore it for a long time.
 You slowly forget how you configured it.  You don't have a way to deal
with "issues" should they come up (like hardware failures).  And the box
keeps doing its job.

And one day...you *need* to upgrade.  Maybe it is a security issue.
Maybe it is as "minor" as needing new features.  Now you got a problem.

Keeping your system upgradable is critical.  The goal isn't to get a
machine running, but to keep your application running as much as
possible, and that includes life-cycle issues like upgrades, repairs, etc.

OpenBSD releases are supported for one year after initial release.
Releases are made every six months.  Upgrade instructions are published
for release-to-release, not skipping releases.  I'd highly recommend
keeping your system up-to-date on the most recent release (or recent
-stable, if you so desire, though most people will usually not need to
do that).  Keep the upgrade process in mind.

I'm in the middle of building a box for my office, relatively simple
config, but not exactly "off-the-shelf".  Did it once, got it all
working, now I'm doing it again, WHILE DOCUMENTING IT.  I'm discovering
I'm not remembering the stuff I did a month ago...I'm surely not going
to recall all the little tweeks in six months or a year! :)

> 2. if i'm doing upgrade from 3.7 to 3.8, what happen to my old
> program's since my old program's using the old librari's ? is it
> still works without recompiling ?

yep, old libraries are not deleted.  Your old programs will most likely
keep running.  HOWEVER, you probably want to keep those up to date, too.

> 3. and another if, how to make my system clean after i'm upgrade from
> one version to another version ? because i still see the old
> libraries from the old version !

That kinda defeats what you wanted in #2.  We can't please everyone, and
it looks like we aren't going to please you on these two issues. :)
You are free to delete anything you want, but don't expect OpenBSD to do
that for you.  We provide the bullets, you provide the foot (leg, head,


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