On Sat, Sep 24, 2005 at 09:59:12PM -0700, the unit calling itself Bryan Irvine 
> > named[1028]: unable to rename log file 'named_query.log' to
> > 'named_query.log.0': permission denied
> >
> > The logfiles are in /var/named... do I need to chgrp on this directory?
> Yes, typical Unix stuff.  Check r/w and uid/gid permissions.

Hmmm... I chgrp'd the logfiles (/var/named/named_query.log) to 
"named", but it is still busted... I don't get error messages on the 
console any longer, but nothing is being recorded in the log files.

I think I used a "recipe" for setting up the caching name server on this 
box. I thought it was on the OpenBSD website, but I cannot find it now.

Here's how I'm set up. Any comments would be appreciated:

In /etc/rc.conf.local:

In /etc/resolv.conf:

lookup file bind

# ls -l /var/named
total 5
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel  512 Sep 24 23:02 dev
drwxr-x---  2 root  named  512 Mar 20  2005 etc
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel  512 Mar 29  2004 master
-rw-r--r--  1 root  named    0 Sep 24 23:26 named_query.log
-rw-r--r--  1 root  named    0 Sep 24 23:26 named_query.log.0
drwxrwxr-x  2 root  named  512 Mar 29  2004 slave
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel  512 Mar 29  2004 standard

In /var/named/etc/named.conf: 

// $OpenBSD: named-simple.conf,v 1.5 2003/09/22 20:44:32 jakob Exp $
// Example file for a simple named configuration, processing both
// recursive and authoritative queries using one cache.

// Update this list to include only the networks for which you want
// to execute recursive queries. The default setting allows all hosts
// on any IPv4 networks for which the system has an interface, and
// the IPv6 localhost address.
acl clients {

options {
        forward only;
        forwarders {;; };
        version "";     // remove this to allow version queries

        listen-on    { any; };
        listen-on-v6 { any; };

        allow-recursion { clients; };

logging {
        channel query_info {
                file "named_query.log" versions 3 size 10m;
                severity debug;
                print-category yes;
                print-time yes;

        category queries { query_info; };
        category resolver { query_info; };
//      category lame-servers { null; };

// Standard zones
zone "." {
        type hint;
        file "standard/root.hint";

zone "localhost" {
        type master;
        file "standard/localhost";
        allow-transfer { localhost; };

zone "127.in-addr.arpa" {
        type master;
        file "standard/loopback";
        allow-transfer { localhost; };

        type master;
        file "standard/loopback6.arpa";
        allow-transfer { localhost; };

        type master;
        file "standard/loopback6.int";
        allow-transfer { localhost; };

zone "com" {
        type delegation-only;

zone "net" {
        type delegation-only;

// Master zones
//zone "myzone.net" {
//      type master;
//      file "master/myzone.net";

// Slave zones
//zone "otherzone.net" {
//      type slave;
//      file "slave/otherzone.net";
//      masters {; [...;] };

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