hmm, on Wed, Sep 28, 2005 at 05:28:09PM -0700, Spruell, Darren-Perot said that
> I'm with you. I can't send patches. I don't have the skillz.


> But I don't have your problems either. And unlike you, I *am* capable of
> sending a bug report if there is something that needs fixed. You, on the

so you don't have the skills to code but you have the skils to send
good bug reports.  as i am always willing to learn, please tell me,
how would do you file detailed bug reports about this particular issue?

just imagine: here we are, a nice peaceful day, you playing away
in the nice openbsd world and then you notice something funny:
your TODO list which is popped up with xmessage when you login
in xdm to yer blackbox shows binary gargabe.  the TODO file
happened to be a simple ascii text file on your fat32 partition
mounted to /fat.  you vaguely seem to recall that you edited the
file some days ago from openbsd.  but everything seemed to be ok.

so how would you squeze something MEANINGFUL out from this
particular situation a coder w/the "skillz" can do something with?
as a programmer myself, i know what kind of info a coder needs
to locate the offending part.  you don't have previous "states"
which you could compare to, you don't have reference points.
you have nothing.  especially when you are not prepared
because the man page says nothing about possible hosings.

and while we are at it, and hopefully some truly skilled person
is reading this, how do you send a meaningful report about
file system anomalies?

> Contact me off list if you want to take that up with my employer. 

i couldn't care less what mail client u use at work and why
are you replying to misc@ mails in your work time.

nothing's impossible to those that don't have to do it.

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