The MetaStore is at this point essentially complete, save for content.
There are links on the page to assist in populating it.  There are
about 20 pieces of hardware featured on this:  IT NEEDS MORE.
I have received several bits and pieces of information, but to make
this more useful, I need even more information.  Go to the following
link, browse what's there, and provide information about what stuff
you know is out there that works with OpenBSD.  I've provided the
resource, people: you need to help me fill it.

Who runs the OpenBSD website?  Can this be moved there?  (I can send the
various bits and pieces of code for perusal - it's a relatively quick
hack, but not particularly unclean or unsafe.)  Failing that, can it
be linked to from there?  Inquiring minds want to know.

(c) 2005 Unscathed Haze via Central Plexus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I am Chaos.  I am alive, and I tell you that you are Free.  -Eris
Big Brother is watching you.  Learn to become Invisible.
|-------- Your message must be this wide to ride the Internet. --------|

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