11:08:31 +0000:
> Hi list,
> Anyone knows a good URL checker that runs on OpenBSD? My boss wants me
> to monitor web site traffic and present a report with all visits to all
> websites per user (pc). I've searched the internet but did not find an
> appropriate (free) solution. I have been playing with the idea to use
> snort, but that seems a lot of work to me.
> Any suggestions are more then welcome.

use squid transparent on your openbsd gateway:
daniel has a working howto:

after you got it up and running, analyse the resulting log-files
with one of these: http://www.squid-cache.org/Scripts/

maybe you should try out this, sounded good to me, but I never had to
implemented it (thank god):


hope this helps,

personal crap: http://teemu.lynix.net

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