To all end users experiencing the panic message as
mentioned in the topic above.

If you are looking for some relief from these panics
then I would highly recommend trying out a -current
snapshot. As of a week ago pedro@ had commited what
should be a permanent fix for this problem. Now instead
of your system panicing, the kernel will try to allocate
more memory for additional map entries. The kernel will
print ouf the usual

uvm_mapent_alloc: out of static map entries

but not panic. Also, looking at the vmstat display of
systat you will see that "kmapent" has been added to
the bottom right corner, this will show you the number
of map entries currently in use by the kernel.

So, please try this out on any systems which have
experienced this panic in the past, and this affects
3.8 too, and post the results back to the list.

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