> get /usr/local, /usr/ports, and /usr/src remotely mounted from my nearby 
> FreeBSD system.  I can get the mount done, but I can't affect any files 
> ... for example, if I tryi to touch (as root on the Zaurus) 
> /usr/local/garbage, I get "Permission denied".  i don't have any cklear 
> idea if this is a problem on the Zaurus (OpenBSD) or The FreeBSD server.

Sounds like PEBKAC, you provided no information whatsoever, for examxple
/etc/exports on the server would be good - my bet is you don't have
-maproot=root specified.  Maybe learn about setting up NFS a little, eg:
or read the manpages...

Obviously nothing to do w/ OpenBSD... strange you posted here, really.

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