Can anyone confirm that an Adaptec AHA-1542 works with anything since
3.6?  I found that support for it was silently broken sometime in 3.x,
even though it's listed as supported hardware for x86.

Also, I have 3 PCI Bustek adapters (BT-958D, BT-958, BT-946C)  in a
different machine, but booting up the 3.5 or 3.6 install disks hangs
during autoprobe.  So does NetBSD 2.x, although strangely NetBSD 1.6.2
is running on it just fine.  I only bring this up because this may
give some clue as to when the code for these cards stopped working (it
is my impression that some code gets shared between the two, although
I do not know exactly how or in what direction).

Also, there's another compute, a Compaq PPro server, with a dual
integrated Adaptec AIC-7xxx controller, but I got various SCSI errors
trying to install on it.  I have details at home and can post them if

I like BSD, but it's really picky about hardware sometimes, and I've
been forced to install Linux instead on more than one occasion because
BSDs simply wouldn't boot.
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